Cold Flame Studios
Virtual worlds, real experiences


Who I Am

Cold Flame Studios is currently run by one person, Philip Levine. In fact, I'm writing this page to you right now! I create Virtual and Augmented Reality games and software. My first game Teleball is slated to be released soon! Check it out in the navigation bar the top of the page in the tab under VR. If you have any questions, please send me an email by clicking the envelope or copying the address at the bottom of this page.

What I Do

I believe in and practice ethical game development. That means no loot boxes, no pay to win, limited advertisements, and no underhanded practices. I believe that if I do right by our customers, they'll do right by me. To keep tabs on my projects, click the Twitter icon on the top right to view my projects' Twitter feed.

How I Do It

I'm currently out-of-pocket, donation, and Patreon supported. I believe in keeping software available to anyone, and I'd like nothing more than to be able to do what I love and keep everything open and free. If you'd like to support my work, click the Patreon symbol on the Navigation Bar at the top of the page. Donations help keep me afloat, and are enormously appreciated.
